TL;DR February 19

Welcome to our news segment: TL;DR of Immigration News, for when the news is Too Long and you Didn’t Read it.

This is a weekly collection of immigration-related news stories. These bite-size summaries will keep you up to date without overwhelming your inbox.

Yessenia Ruano, Milwaukee teacher's aide at risk of deportation, wins more time in US

One of the worst things this writer has ever seen is the spectacle of a Salvadoran teacher saying goodbye to her twin 9-year-old daughters in the freezing cold outside of the Milwaukee ICE office last Friday. Standing with them, shivering, were over a hundred immigrant rights advocates, most of us citizens, as we had been advised that ICE might take anyone on the premises.

At 8 am, Yessenia Ruano disappeared into the building, flanked by her daughters, her lawyer and community faith leaders. Most of the crowd remained, marching and chanting outside, trying to feel our toes. Within 45 minutes, community leader Christine Neumann-Ortiz of Voces de la Frontera received a text: ICE would not take Yessinia today. She was given more time to work on her visa application.

In this case, the people united won the day, through the organizing of Voces de la Frontera members and allies. As a quote attributed to Margaret Mead reminds us: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Rachel Ida Buff, NAA member, TL;DR writer and participant in the Milwaukee protest


27 religious groups sue to block immigration arrests at houses of worship

Representing millions of Americans, the religious groups argued that Donald Trump’s orders rescinding protections from raids in schools and religious institutions would force them “to violate their religious duty to serve and protect their immigrant neighbors.” This comes on the heels of another lawsuit last week by five Quaker congregations on similar grounds.

This latest suit has been brought by a coalition of Jewish and Christian congregations, who according to their lawyer “have come together to file this suit because their scripture, teaching, and traditions offer irrefutable unanimity on their religious obligation to embrace and serve the refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants in their midst without regard to documentation or legal status.”

Panama agrees to serve as a 'bridge' in US deportation

Panama is abetting the US in returning deported immigrants to their countries of origin. Amid tensions over the current regime’s threat to take over the Panama Canal, Panamanian President José Raúl Mulino offered to strengthen cooperation with the US in the deportation of migrants. Both countries have had an agreement since last July to return those who have crossed the dangerous Darien jungle on flights paid for by the US. The treacherous hike through the Darien Gap brings people from Colombia to Panama and is a crucial passage for those hoping to reach the United States and Canada.

On February 13, 119 immigrants arrived in Panama on a flight from the US. Two more such flights are expected to arrive, amounting to a total of 360 people. They are to be housed in a hotel and then a shelter as they await their flights from Panama to their various countries of origin.

4 Actions you can take Right Now

  1. Share the ICE Noncompliance Pledge with any people with a connection to colleges and university campuses. When Trump abuses the idea of Jewish safety to justify deportations, we must spread the word not to comply. Send to at least 5 friends:

  2. Respond to reports of suspected raids in your area in real time by reading and sharing the information in this 1-page guide. For those of us who are allies especially, learn how to watch for ICE and protect your neighbors.

  3. Never Again Action is equipping members to organize themselves into neighborhood groups (or “pods”) to be trained and respond to deportation threats on a hyperlocal level. Learn more:

  4. Support Never Again Action’s organizing by making a donation today. You can make a tax deductible donation via our fiscal sponsor at this link, or you can donate directly to our 501(c)(4) organization at this link.

Thanks for joining us for this week’s roundup! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for next week’s roundup, drop us a line at

Never Again Action