Never Again Action Members
Run and win powerful campaigns in cross-race, cross-status coalition with our immigrant partners
Develop the skills, relationships, and community to get in formation for whatever the fascists throw at us next
Build sustained people power grounded in community that values joy and spirit and song and dance and a vision for a world where no one is illegal
Sliding-scale membership dues strengthen the reach of our local chapters and national campaigns by:
providing consistent support from field organizers;
fueling our powerful actions;
enabling us to gather for training, workshops, and assemblies;
and budgeting for future events.
For more information, see our Membership Brochure or read our Membership FAQ.
Ready to make a difference?
Income below $30k: recommended dues are $3/month, or $18/year.
Income is $31-60k: recommended dues are $6/month.
Income is $60-80k, recommended dues are $12/month.
Income is $80-100k, recommended dues are $20/month.
Income above $100k: recommended dues are $50/month.
If you are giving from wealth: recommended dues are $100/month and/or a larger annual gift.
If you are unable to pay dues at this time, please complete this dues waiver form.
1) We assume best intentions, especially as we enter into strategic and/or tactical misalignment. We ask questions and listen carefully in order to move through conflict. We are respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences.
2) We acknowledge our own identities and the systemic privileges we carry. We do the intellectual and emotional work to be aware of implicit and explicit power dynamics at play in any given space, and work to mitigate the negative impact that might arise based on race, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability and disability, etc.
3)We are open to giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback.
4) We accept responsibility and apologize to those affected by our mistakes, naming impact regardless of intent, and learn from the experience.
5) We focus on what is best for the overall community and movement, not just us as individuals.
6) In movement spaces, we know people will have lots of different types of interpersonal relationships. When engaging in sexual, romantic, or physical intimacy of any kind with people who we share movement space with, we ask for and offer active consent for all sexual, romantic and intimate activities, knowing that consent can be retracted at any time. We openly name and account for considerations like whether the intimacy is appropriate for the context (like attending a training or retreat together) or how power dynamics (like leadership positions or identities) might shape our interactions.
7) We name our boundaries clearly and respect other people's boundaries. We will seek support (either within or outside of the movement) to figure out our own boundaries, acknowledge that ours and others may or may not change, and figure out plans to ensure that individuals' boundaries can be held without fully excluding any parties from all movement spaces.
8) We acknowledge that trauma is pervasive in our world, we're all impacted by trauma, directly lived and/or inherited, because we live in a world shaped by hundreds of years of violence and oppression that is still operating in our lives and shaping dominant culture norms.
9) Being a part of healthy movement space requires self-reflection, healing work, and support. This can include all types of healing modalities (therapy, body and movement work, spiritual rituals and/or community, other forms of emotional accompaniment, etc.) We know that the movement cannot meet all of our material and emotional needs, and we will name explicitly what support we are and are not receiving at any given time and what support we would be open to receiving, understanding many factors, namely money and class, can make things more or less accessible.
10) Harassment of any kind, and sexual harassment in particular, is unacceptable.
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Need to cancel your recurring contribution?
Email with the subject line: Dues Cancellation
We believe that:
-No person is illegal
-ICE must be abolished
-The carceral immigration system must be dismantled