For every $1 that goes to the agency helping people move here (USCIS), $100 goes to agencies hunting people down to kick them out (ICE & Border Patrol).¹
The number of immigrants allowed into the country hasn’t increased at all since 1905, but 20 times as many people are being deported.²
Changing the party in the White House doesn’t solve the problem. Over the past 25 years, Democratic presidents have deported people at exactly the same rate as Republican presidents.³
Families separated, thousands wasting away in ICE detention, refugees turned away; these are not side effects of an “immigration system” that needs reform. They’re the inevitable outcome of a deportation system that’s alive and well, working as intended, and continuing to deport hundreds of thousands of people under Joe Biden.
We have to take bold action to make people see the true nature of the system, and the pain and suffering it inflicts on millions of people every day.
We need to organize, build power, and take action to flank immigrant leaders who’ve been fighting deportation for decades. All of that work takes resources. We're asking you to join us and support this campaign. Your donation will support training and travel costs, action logistics and support, digital infrastructure, essential compensation for staff, and stipends for volunteers. Will you help us meet the demands of this moment?
Ending deportation is a big idea, like the Green New Deal or universal health care. We won’t stop until we’ve dismantled the entire, racist deporatation machine. We are fighting to end all collaboration between Police and ICE, we’re battling Operation Lone Star from every direction, and supporting partner organizations to close detention centers in their communities. Bold solutions not only match the scale of the problem, they galvanize and unite people to work together for a better future. That’s what Never Again Action is all about! And we can’t do it without your help.
¹ In 2021, the federal budget gives only $128 million to USCIS. By contrast, exactly 100 times as much ($12.8 billion) is going to ICE ($7.97B) and Border Patrol ($4.87B). Source: Department of Homeland Security 2022 Budget Justification
² In 1905 the U.S. admitted 1,026,499 immigrants while deporting 12,724 people - 80 admissions for every deportation. Over the past 25 years, the U.S. has admitted on average 986,578 immigrants while deporting 273,290 - only 3.6 admissions per deportation.
Source: https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/yearbook/2019/table1 | https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/yearbook/2019/table39
³ Over the past 25 years, Democratic Presidents (Clinton and Obama) have averaged 274,572 deportations per year. Republican Presidents (Bush and Trump) have averaged 271,658 deportations per year. https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/yearbook/2019/table39