Wyatt Detention Center Board Cancels Meeting To Avoid Protest

September 9, 2019, PROVIDENCE, R.I.—The board of directors of the Central Falls Detention Facility Corporation (CFDFC), which oversees the Wyatt Detention Facility, canceled their scheduled meeting Monday in the face of a planned protest by Never Again Action Rhode Island. The board is likely to reschedule for later this week.

The agenda for the meeting, which is available to the public, included a vote on an updated forbearance agreement with the Wyatt’s bondholders. We have every reason to believe this agreement would double down on the Wyatt’s contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to serve as a detention facility for migrants.

In response to the meeting’s cancellation, Never Again Action Rhode Island issued the following statement:

“The last-minute cancellation of today’s meeting by the Wyatt board and its handlers at UMB Bank shows that our organizing is making a difference. Our community will continue to prevent business as usual at the Wyatt until we’ve achieved our goal to shut this violent facility down and get ICE out of Rhode Island. If they reschedule this attempted vote, we’ll be there.

As Jews, we know that we must stand up when the state targets our neighbors. We will continue to fight against our government’s policy of dehumanization and family separation. When we say, ‘Never again,’ we mean it.”

Image Description: A piece of 8.5x11 paper is posted on the inside of a glass door. Printed on the paper is the agenda of the meeting that was cancelled, with the word ‘CANCELLED’ printed in large bold red letters diagonally across the entire page.
The text of the agenda is below:




A meeting of the Central Falls Detention Center Facility Corporation Board of Directors will be held

at the Wyatt Detention Facility Training Building, 935 High Street, Central Falls, Rhode Island, on

Monday, September 9, 2019 beginning at 5:30 p.m. for the purposes referenced below. All items

are subject to discussion and/or official action by the Board of Directors.


1. Call to order/roll call

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Public Comment

4. Approval of Meeting Minutes from July 8, 2019

5. New Business

A. Report of the Warden – summary of facility operations for the period ending July 31, 2019

& August 31, 2019

B. Report of the Director of Finance – financial reports of the corporation and facility for the

period ending June 30, 2019 & July 31, 2019

C. Discussion and potential vote on the Forbearance Agreement between the Bond Holders

and CFDFC and all the provisions contained therein.

6. Adjournment

This notice shall be posted no laterthan 5:30 p.m. onThursday, September 5, 2019, at the Office ofCentral FallsDetention Facility

Corporation, at the Central Falls City Hall, and by electronic filing with the Rhode Island Secretary of State. Interpreters for the

hearing impaired are available upon seventy-two (72) hour request made to the Office of the Warden. The CFDFC is an equal

opportunity employer ADA/EOE. TDD/TYY 401-727-7450.

Never Again Action